Flyers for Music Event
I have worked with Freda’s Garden for a number of years promoting her open gardens, and was again asked if I could design a double-sided flyer for her latest event. This year she is holding a ‘Music in the Garden’ event in her garden.
T-Shirts galore!
Working on designs for a promotional t-shirt for a client’s Edinburgh show. Found a fab print company to do the printing!
Company Website
Peter Perke Productions – Company website Brief: Create a website to showcase the various comedy characters who work under the umbrella of Peter Perke Productions. The client wanted a simple website which was linked to their social media accounts and easy for customers to navigate.
Online Shop launch
Project: Zara Louise Boutique – website and online shop Brief: Create a website to promote their High Street shop, highlight the designers who sold through the shop and keep customers up-to-date with new stock. It was decided to initially set up the website like an online shop, but initially only offer a ‘click & reserve’ option, so customers could reserve items before visiting in person. The client hopes to be able to sell through the website in the near future, so this will be easy to upgrade to. The website has been linked to their various social media accounts, so the client is easily able to keep their social media accounts and website up-to-date in just one click.
Promotional Material
Project: Pop Art – Promotional Flyer and Poster Brief: I was asked by the client to create a poster and flyer to help promote her new product. The poster was being displayed in various venues and needed to stand out, clearly show was the offer was, and also be in keeping with her current business brand. The client was able to provide all images and most of the the text and was happy to let me create the design myself, and edited wording where I felt necessary.